Dear WERA Colleagues and friends,
On behalf of a WERA association, the American Education Research Association (AERA), we share with you the following invitation to engage in a free community lecture. This lecture will be presented on Thursday 22 October 2020; 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) by Dr. Tate, on the topic: The Segregation Pandemic: Brown as Treatment or Placebo. There will be a discussion that follows, which promises to be timely and very engaging.
The event is being held virtually, and is open to anyone who wishes to join. Please follow the below registration link if you would like to join the 2020 Brown Lecture:
Refer to the below for more details on this lecture.
About the 2020 LectureA pandemic is an epidemic occurring on a scale that crosses the globe. A condition is not a pandemic merely because it exists in different regions of the world or results in the death of many people; it must also be infectious. In this lecture, Tate will argue that, over the past 500 years by way of mutually reinforcing regimes consisting of politicians, intellectuals, religious supporters, business leaders, and others, an ideology of racial biology “infected” the world, causing a disease to spread in global fashion. The disease fed on a rhetoric that assigned biological superiority to certain races. A pandemic of segregation resulted. In the United States, the Brown decision offered hope as a therapeutic. The lecture examines Brown through the lens of a medical model, while exploring its various pervasive effects on society and education. |
A moderated Discussion Forum |