On behalf of a WERA association, the American Education Research Association (AERA), we share with you the following invitation to engage in a webinar “AERA-OECD Forum: Measuring Teaching at a Global Scale—Policy Perspectives on the TALIS Video Study” The event is being held virtually, and is open to anyone who wishes to join. The event registration link, embedded in the invite below, is here: https://aera.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_t7MeSsGgSc6Vtq1ssMIdmw For more information to this event please visit the below link: https://www.aera.net/Events-Meetings/Measuring-Teaching-at-a-Global-ScalePolicy-Perspectives-on-the-Findings-from-the-TALIS-Video-Study-2020 Refer to the below for more details on this webinar.
We think this AERA-OECD policy forum on the Teaching and |
NEWS: AERA-OECD Forum: Measuring Teaching at a Global Scale—Policy Perspectives on the TALIS Video Study
- by csadmin
- November 9, 2020
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