New Eurydice Publication :: The European Higher Education Area in 2020 – Bologna Process Implementation Report
How did the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) progress over the last two decades? And what is next? The new edition of the Bologna Process Implementation Report sheds light on the achievements realised during this time: the harmonisation of degree structures, the establishment of trustworthy quality assurance systems, and creation of an environment that supports internationalisation. Countries have continued to join the EHEA and student numbers have grown significantly, reaching today more than 38 million. However, there is still work to be done as the EHEA is far from being sufficiently socially inclusive and the participation rates of under-represented groups have not improved significantly.
New Eurydice Publication :: 2020 EHEA Ministerial Conference
During the Conference, EHEA Ministers will adopt the Rome Ministerial Communiqué, a fundamental document which will give indications on the next ten years of work of the entire European Higher Education Area, and that will stress the need to improve the implementation of our fundamental values. The conference will take place for the first time in virtual format and will be viewable by all thanks to the live streaming.
New Eurydice Publication :: The European Higher Education Area after two decades of the Bologna Process: a brief look back
Ministers of higher education come together online this week (19 November) to reflect on the state of European higher education. With the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it feels like we have reached a critical point, with major challenges to face in the next decade. However, it’s worth pausing for breath to recognise what has been achieved.