The WERA Task Force Global Challenges and Education is sharing an opportunity to participate in a webinar series focused on developing education research capacity which takes into account transdisciplinarity as a lens to global challenges.
If you would like to participate in this event, please see the invitation below for more information.
The aim of the series is to build collaborative transdisciplinary research capacity of early career and doctoral students through a One Health & Well-Being lens – using the Zoom-digital platform.
Others are welcome to attend the series as the session topics – involving a wide range of expertise drawn from across global regions and organisations (please see flyer, attached) – will provide an excellent opportunity to share and cross-pollinate ideas engaging a wider audience – especially at this time of continuing global challenges and uncertainties.
As detailed in the programme schedule (attached), the series consists of three sessions conducted over a three month period. All sessions – presentations or panel discussions each – begin at 15:00 pm (South African Standard Time [SAST]) and conclude at 19:00 pm (SAST) with comfort breaks in-between.
Webinar Session 2: 2 December 2020
Webinar Session 3: 27 January 2021
Please follow the below link to register.
We look forward to meeting with you on 02 December 2020!
For more information please click here.
To access the Future Africa – 1HOPE Webinar Series Schedule, please click here.
Kind regards,
George Lueddeke, One Health for One Planet Education Initiative (1HOPE) and Liesel Ebersöhn, Centre for the Study of Resilience (CSR), UP
Join the Future Africa – 1HOPE Webinar Series (1 of 3) Zoom Meeting by following the below link:
Meeting ID: 985 5143 2547
Passcode: 980036