Dear all,
Editors Erin Pritchard (Liverpool Hope University)
Delyth Edwards (Liverpool Hope University)
Sexual harassment in Higher Education – in particular, staff-to-student sexual misconduct – has rightly been the topic of a long overdue conversation and the subject of research and lobbying (The 1752 group). With secured interest from Palgrave, the aim of this edited book is to focus on what we can learn from cases of sexual misconduct experienced in the everyday spaces of academia. Everyday spaces are those places in an academic setting that are familiar, where people feel safe and comfortable. This may include but is not limited to the classroom, offices, labs, work experience placements, conferences, field trips and fieldwork/research sites and settings.
We envision two themes to be explored in the book. The first is about the experience. Both editors have experienced sexual misconduct in what were presumably ‘safe’ spaces for us as researchers (Pritchard 2019). Kloß (2017) suggests that by writingour accounts of experiencing sexual misconduct, we can expand knowledge and bring such experiences out of their current marginalised positions within academic discussions. She argues that reflecting on experiences is important for helping other academics learn how to cope with similar encounters. We seek proposals of experience that speak to this creation of knowledge.
Secondly, research practices are ever evolving, but the ethics related to them have barely changed. The emergence of research ethics remains mostly focused on the safety of the participants and with good reason. However, given the nature of research and movements such as #Metoo it is becoming increasingly important to include the safety of the researcher. For these reasons, a second theme is to include chapters about the different ethical issues that have been encountered in research spaces and therefore aim to offer recommendations in order to improve researcher safety. This contribution will be both to aid researchers in a practical way but also to offer insights into the particular problems faced by researchers that will help guide those charged with making ethical judgments. We are looking to offer the best in ‘applied’ ethical solutions to the myriad of challenges facing contemporary research.
The scope of this call is broad and we expect contributors to be based within a range of subject areas. All topics regarding the themes of sexual misconduct in everyday academic spaces will be considered. We welcome contributions from international perspectives and possible themes could include:
In the area of everyday spaces:● Encounters within the field – research contexts and participants● Encounters on placements● Encounters within course field trips● Responding to student experiences● Experiences as an international academic● Positions of power and response● Academic’s identity and response – gender, LGBTQ+, Disability● Reflections on student experiences
In the area of Ethics ● How is sexual misconduct on campus and during research being handled by universities?● How can we support students or colleagues as a supervisor conducting research?● Examples of good or bad ethical processes/procedures.● What are the implications for ethics/supervision?● How can ethical bodies be more aware of researcher safety?
The book will be an edited volume in which the chapters will be written by lecturers,researchers, as well as supervisors or those who support academics who have experienced sexual misconduct in everyday spaces. The aim here is to understand and implement change in the area of academic safety.We are seeking chapters of approximately 7,000 words in length inclusive of references. To be considered please submit a summary abstract of up to 250 words outlining how you would like to approach your chapter and a list of about six keywords as a guide to content. We also require a brief academic bio.
We are aware that this is a subject not often discussed within academia, because of its sensitive and emotional nature. However, we are more than happy to talk with and support anyone who feels ready and would like to share their experience, but who may be unsure how to go about writing about it.
Abstract and bio submission: on or before 5th January 2021 (email to and
Outcome/decision notice: by 10th January 2021.Submission of draft chapter: by 5th July 2021.
Chapter returned to authors following peer review: by 4th October 2021
Final submission of chapters: by 14th January 2022
Please don’t hesitate to contact either editor with any questions.
All the best,
Delyth and Erin
Dr Delyth Edwards
Lecturer, Sociology of Childhood and Youth
School of Social Sciences
Room: FML 136
Tel: 0151 291 3015