Eurydice Voice – 22 December 2020
Focus on: Is home-schooling during the pandemic exacerbating gender inequalities?
Have parents achieved a better work-life balance through the pandemic? Is the time spent on childcare equally distributed between mothers and fathers? Do women have to put their careers on hold to home-school? What can governments and employers do to narrow the unpaid labour gap between mothers and fathers? Eurydice tackles all these open questions in its latest Focus On Article. More
Focus on: Is teaching a high-paying career?
The current health crisis has posed unprecedented challenges to education. Teachers in Europe played an essential role in organising and ensuring home schooling and the safe return to schools, despite often lacking support and resources. The crisis has been a reminder of how valuable, but also demanding, the teaching profession is. Teachers’ skills and dedication are also indispensable in normal times if children are to achieve their full potential. But, is their pay competitive enough to attract and retain the best-qualified graduates, and maintain their commitment to quality teaching? More
Education news: Commission welcomes political agreement on Erasmus+ programme
On 11 December, representatives of the European institutions reached an agreement on the Erasmus+ programme for the period 2021-2027. With a dedicated budget of over €26 billion, the new version of Europe’s most emblematic programme will not only be more inclusive and international but also more digital and greener. It will cover all levels and types of education and training and it continues to boost cooperation on youth policy and to encourage participation in sport. It will support as well new flagship initiatives, such as European universities, Erasmus teacher academies, centres of professional excellence and DiscoverEU. More
Education news: Eurydice Brief Equity in school education in Europe
This Eurydice Brief presents the main findings of the Eurydice report Equity in school education in Europe. The report provides an overview of education structures and policies that influence equity in school education. It connects these system-level features to student performance in international student assessment surveys (PISA, PIRLS and TIMSS). Looking at 42 European education systems, the report identifies which policies and structures are associated with higher levels of equity in student performance. More