NEWS: 2020 ARTS Publication Award

The Arts Researchers and Teachers Society (ARTS SIG) of the Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies (CACS) is pleased to announce the 2020 ARTS Publication Award. The award recognizes a peer-reviewed journal article or book chapter written in French or English. Submissions must have been published during the 2020 calendar year. The first author must be a member of CSSE, CACS, and the ARTS SIG at the time of submission. The deadline for submissions is February 1st, 2021.

For more information about the eligibility criteria, submission process and a copy of the submission form, please go to:

Please send complete applications with the subject heading “ARTS Publication Award” to Hala Mreiwed, the Publication Awards Chair at:

If you are interested in being a reviewer for the 2020 ARTS publication award, please contact Hala Mreiwed at