NEWS: ASAC 2021 – Call for Papers

We would like to share our Call for Papers for ASAC 2021, Moving Beyond 2020: Considering Impacts on Business and Society. The 2021 conference will be held virtually from June 12-15. The Call for Papers and more information on the conference is available at

If there is a way you could forward this message or share our Call for Paper with your members, we would greatly appreciate that.

The year 2020 brought with it unprecedented challenges and the possibility of unforeseen and long-lasting changes. The question we ask at ASAC 2021 is: “How can research in business and management help people and organisations in Canada and around the world prepare for a future that promises to be significantly different than previously imaginable?”

As a Canadian academic association focused on education, we hope some of your members might be interested in submitting research particularly to our Management Education division.

ASAC offers developmental support for research encouraging both full paper and works-in-progress submissions. Every year, we welcome 500+ academics from across Canada and beyond. The deadline to submit is March 5, 2021 at midnight eastern time.

Please let us know if you have any questions about ASAC 2021.


Rory O’Neill
Conference co-manager, ASAC 2021