NEWS: Passing of Todd Rogers – CSSE President Jan 1985 to Dec 1986

It is with great sadness and sorrow that we share the news that W. Todd Rogers passed away on December 30, 2020. He was diagnosed with dementia in March of 2020 and was in full-time care when he suffered a fatal heart attack at the age of 79. After completing his Ph.D with Gene V Glass in 1971, Todd’s academic career took him from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), to the University to California Riverside, to the University of British Columbia (Associate Professor), and to the University of Alberta (Professor) where he retired in 2006 (not that this slowed him down). Todd was a renowned and dedicated academic scholar in the field of educational measurement and research. This dedication included his long term association and work with the Canadian Educational Researchers’ Association, serving as the president from 1980-1982, and the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) / Société canadienne pour l´étude de l´éducation (SCÉÉ), serving as its president in 1985-1986. Todd’s work as the chair for the Working Group of the Joint Advisory Committee that developed the Principles for Fair Student Assessment Practices for Education in Canada and his directorship of the Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation (CRAME) are lasting legacies of his impact. For the many who were blessed to know and work with Todd, he will be remembered for so much more, including his long time support for educational research in Canada and beyond, and his dedication to supporting students and colleagues. His mentorship skills were recognised with the Canadian Committee of Graduate Students in Education (CCGSE) Mentorship Award in 2000. A celebration of Todd’s life will occur at a future date when people are able to safely gather to remember his accomplishments and contributions, and his impact on so many of our lives. In lieu of flowers please consider a donation to charities dealing with Alzheimer’s and dementia and/or heart disease.

Given the time to come together in honour of Todd is unknown, the family is creating a “book” of memories to be shared in memory and celebration of Todd’s life and contributions. If you have a memory of W. Todd Rogers you would like to share, please forward this to Professor Don A. Klinger ( Don will compile your “academic” memories and “Todd stories” on behalf of Todd’s family.

Contributed by Don Klinger