NEWS: Call for Participants – Triggering Education: Relational Readings of Trigger Warnings in the Canadian Post-Secondary Classroom

Dear Colleagues,

You are receiving this email because you are a faculty member or student at a Canadian college or university. You are being contacted to participate in a SSHRC-funded survey on difficult representations and content warnings in Canadian postsecondary schools. This project is run by Dr. Michelle Miller (Ontario College of Art and Design University), Dr. Hannah Dyer (Brock University) and Dr. Natalie Kori-Towe (Concordia).

The purpose of this study, “Triggering Education: Relational Readings of Trigger Warnings in the Canadian Post-Secondary Classroom,” is to gather information about both faculty and student experiences of encountering difficult representations (such as representations of violence) in courses. This survey, which will take approximately 30 minutes to complete, will ask you to tell stories about your experiences with difficult course material as a learner and/or as an instructor, and to describe your attitudes toward, and potentially use of content warnings (also known as trigger warnings) in educational spaces. This research has the potential to lead to enhanced professional practice and improved understanding between students and instructors.

Your participation would involve taking a 30-minute survey that you can stop, save, and resume at your convenience. You may drop out at any time without facing any retribution or penalty. At the end of the survey, you will have the option to opt into Phase 2 of this study, which involves individual interviews. The survey is available until June 1, 2021. All responses will be anonymized and kept strictly confidential.

As an incentive to participate, participants will be entered into a draw to win one of 50 $25 gift certificates for Chapters/Indigo. We would welcome your help in sending this invitation to your friends and colleagues.

Follow this link to the Survey:

Please feel very welcome to send this survey to any students or faculty members you know.

This survey received ethics clearance from the Research Ethics Offices of OCADU (2020-44), Brock (20-040) and Concordia University (30013515). If you have concerns regarding participation in this study, please contact OCADU’s REB Secretariat at 416.977.6000 x4368 or

If you have questions about the survey, please contact our research team at or 416.977.6000 Ext. 405

Thank you for your time.

Michelle Miller, Assistant Professor, OCADU
