Eurydice Voice – 31 March 2021
Focus on: Is remote teaching affecting teachers’ wellbeing?
Teachers, like other employees in the EU, spend around one third of their life at work. Of course, maintaining high levels of wellbeing in the workplace is crucial for everyone, but how remote teaching, in the context of the pandemic, changed the teachers ‘ working conditions? Are they doing well and to which extent the profession’s health and level of stress have been impacted? A new Eurydice Focus on Article sheds light on this. More
Focus on: Equity in school education: why is it important and how to improve it
Imagine that, regardless of your merit, no matter how hard you tried, you could never improve your socio-economic status. Worse, imagine that the same applied to your children… Equity in school education is essential. But how can we improve it? Check #EurydiceEU Focus On Article. More
Education news: New Education Law in Spain
How is the Spanish education system evolving? What is the new education law about? Did you know that it is the result of a broad participatory process? Our Spanish national unit explained this to us, learn more by reading this country news. More
Education news: Scotland: supporting educational continuity through digital technology during the pandemic
In Scotland, all school buildings were physically closed on 23 March 2020 as a result of strict lockdown measures to face the spread of Covid19. However, Scotland was well prepared to adapt its education system to this exceptional context, in part due to the existence of a national online learning platform called Glow. Want to know more? There you go! More
Latest Publications
Teachers in Europe – Careers, Development and Well-Being. More
National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education – 2020/21 More
The European Higher Education Area in 2020 Bologna Process Implementation Report More
Equity in School Education in Europe More
Forthcoming publications
Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe – June 2021
Adult Education and Training – July 2021