NEWS: 2021 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching

Dear colleagues,

I’m excited to invite you to the 2021 University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching from May 3 –5, Mentorship in Higher Education, hosted virtually by the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning.

Transform your teaching and leadership practice as you learn how to build and sustain successful and lasting mentorship relationships with your colleagues in higher education.

Join us for over 80 online interactive sessions, workshops, keynotes and digital poster presentations.

  • Conference Day 1 Keynote | May 4, 2020 | Psychology of optimal mentorship
    • Laura Lunsford, PhD, Professor and Chair, Psychology, Campbell University
  • Conference Day 2 Keynote | May 5, 2020 | Beyond tradition: Innovative mentorship models for higher education
    • Lorelli Nowell, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Calgary

Other featured sessions:

  • Developing networks for academic leadership development – Leda Stawnychko and Dru Marshall
  • Mentoring with integrity: How interdisciplinary collaborations promote academic integrity – Sarah Eaton, Nancy Chibry and Ebba Kurz
  • Storying Indigenous mentorship relationships: Exploring a pedagogy of resilience – Gabrielle Lindstorm

2-Day Conference General Pricing: $250 CDN. Find out more about the conference and register here.

I’d also like to share The Mentorship Guide for Teaching Learning, developed by the University of Calgary’s Teaching Academy.

Warm regards,

Cheryl L Jeffs, EdD
Educational Development Consultant

Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning
University of Calgary
434 Collegiate Blvd

Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada


Founder and Editor of Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching