NEWS: WERA – Human Rights Education Review


WERA IRN Human Rights Education 2021 Webinar Series

The WERA IRN on Human Rights Education was established in Spring 2019 and launched in London in June that year. The coordinators are Professor Audrey Osler (USN, Norway, University of Leeds, UK) and Professor Hugh Starkey (UCL Institute of Education, UK). The two pillars of the IRN are Human Rights Education Review and UCL’s International Conference on Education and Democratic Citizenship (ICEDC) conference. Our webinar series gives an opportunity for authors of articles recently published in Human Rights Education Review to present their work and engage in discussion and debate with colleagues from across the world.

The HRE Webinars are open to researchers at all career stages and to education professionals working in formal and non-formal settings, including NGO and inter-governmental organisations. For times, updates and details of how to register visit:

14 April 2021

The role of law and legal knowledge for a transformative HRE: addressing violations of children’s rights in school
Laura Lundy, Queen’s University Belfast, UK and Gabriela Martínez Sainz, Dublin City University, Ireland

12 May 2021
Further details will follow.