NEWS: WERA Mentoring Programme is now live


WERA Mentoring Programme is now live

WERA takes pleasure in announcing that the Mentoring Programme has been up and running since the end of 2021. Nominated by WERA Member Associations, WERA takes pride in 25 mentors from all over the globe – all specialists in education research disciplines. Currently, 9 of the mentors have already stepped into a mentoring contract with mentees, meaning 16 are still available. WERA plans on expanding the mentoring list soon

The only mentee requirement at the moment is that applicants need to be post-doc.

The steps to becoming a mentee:

  1. Review the list of mentors on the WERA website:;
  2. Decide which of the available mentors you would like to approach for mentorship;
  3. Send an email to the WERA Secretariat with (a) your CV and (b) a letter of interest indicated your mentor of choice and a rationale for this choice;
  4. The WERA Mentoring Committee will review your application and liaise with mentors;
  5. The WERA Secretariat will inform you of the outcome of your application; and
  6. You can then meet up with your mentor in an on-line, virtual space in order to co-decide on how you would like to proceed (i.e. how often you meet, in which fields you specifically need capacity strengthening).


For more details, look for this image on the WERA Website.