NEWS: EdCan Network – Learning our Way out of the Pandemic: Beyond “back to normal” for students


Sign up for our upcoming EdCan webinar

Presented by EdCan and IPEVO


Wednesday, May 19 at 1pm ET on Zoom | One-hour webinar

Presented by Karen Mundy and Kelly Gallagher-Mackay


Like so many families and children around the world, Canadians are looking with relief to a more open, carefree summer and normal return to school later this year. But after 18 months of profound disruption – will “normal” be good enough? Are we on track to set all children up for success in a world that often seems more uncertain – and unequal – than ever before?

This webinar, sponsored by online learning toolmaker IPEVO, will examine how Canadian schools have fared during COVID-19 compared to those in other jurisdictions. We then turn to evidence-based ways that educators can ensure a better, stronger, and more equitable start in September 2021.


SPECIAL GIVEAWAY – Enter for your chance to win one IPEVO Document Camera!

Please note that you must click on both checkboxes on the registration form to receive emails from EdCan and IPEVO. You must be present at the webinar to be eligible to win one IPEVO Document Camera from a random draw at the end of the presentation.


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Karen Mundy is a Professor of Education Leadership and Policy at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto (OISE/UT). An expert on educational reform in lower-income countries, she is also an advocate and parent committed to improving educational equity in Canadian schools. She recently launched an academic support program that partners OISE volunteers with underserved students in the Toronto District School Board.


Kelly Gallagher-Mackay is an Assistant Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University. Past roles include Research Director at the Future Skills Centre and at People for Education and Northern Director of Akitsiraq Law school in Nunavut. She has two kids in public school.