Call for Papers – “Teaching innovation through transformative pedagogy: A practical toolkit for social scientists working in highly diverse settings”

Please see below for a Call for Papers that may be of interest to members of CSSE

This project aims to bring together a group of university instructors and professors who have explored and tested different innovative teaching practices in critical pedagogy to create inclusive tools to teach in highly diverse classrooms. We welcome tools that include Indigenous, anti-racist, decolonial, feminist, and intersectional perspectives in their design in the social sciences and the humanities. We are particularly interested in tangible pedagogical practices that have been implemented and that can be adapted for in-person and online teaching contexts and in experiences of university instructors and professors who use creativity (novel, dance, music etc.). While a large literature in critical pedagogy contributes to advancing theoretical and analytical reflections on how to make classes more inclusive, our book will contribute to current debates by developing a compendium of practical lesson plans used by instructors in their courses.

The co-editors are Teresa Cappiali (a Senior Researcher at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and lecturer in social sciences at Lund University, Sweden) and Johanne Jean-Pierre (Assistant professor, School of Child and Youth Care, Ryerson University, Canada).

We have posted a description of the call for proposals. We are planning to have around 20 short chapters of about 3,500 words, focusing on concrete practices developed and tested by the authors themselves. The book will target academic and non-academic audiences and we expect it to be widely used by teachers and practitioners around the world. The deadline for sending the abstract is Monday August 30th, 2021. The selected authors will be required to submit their full paper by Monday December 13th, 2021 at the latest. Please find more info on the book proposal in the attached file. You can send your prepared abstract or questions to