Join a Research Study about COVID-19 in Teachers and Education Workers
Who can join?
Teachers & education workers
- who are 18-74 years of age
- work anywhere in the Ontario education system – for 8 or more hours per week – on average
- who are not planning to retire, take parental leave, etc. for at least 3 months, and
- who do not have a bleeding disorder, have not had chemotherapy in the past 4 weeks, and have not had a bilateral mastectomy
- Can join whether or not you have already received your COVID-19 vaccination and whether or not you have previously tested positive for COVID-19
What is being studied?
- Number & rate of COVID-19 infection
- Risk factors for infection
- Antibody levels over time
- Impact of vaccines against COVID-19
- Psychological impact of working during a pandemic
What is asked of you?
- Questionnaires when you join and several times throughout the year-long study
- Report when you are tested for COVID-19
- Report when you are vaccinated against COVID-19
- Self-collect blood spot samples several times throughout the year
Participation is voluntary
Participants will be provided with a small token of appreciation for taking part
Check out the study webpage for more information: or for a French language page
You do not need to use the internet to join our study! You can learn more about the study by calling 416-294-6383 –or- if long distance charges apply: 1-888-307-3357 (8AM – 6PM weekdays)
Study title:
Study of the epidemiology of COVID-19 in teachers and education workers in elementary
and secondary schools in Ontario
Study investigators:
Drs. Brenda Coleman, Allison McGeer, & Robert Maunder (Mount Sinai Hospital & University of Toronto)
Dr. Sharon Straus (Unity Health & University of Toronto)
Dr. Susan Bondy (University of Toronto)