The World Education Research Association (WERA) is most pleased to hold its 2022 Focal Meeting in coordination with the American Educational Research Association. WERA is an association of major national, regional, and international specialty education research associations dedicated to sharing scholarship, developing networks, and mutually supporting capacity building. Each year, WERA holds a Focal Meeting with a member association to emphasize the importance of a worldwide research perspective. WERA was founded in April 2009 at the time of the last AERA Annual Meeting in San Diego, California.
WERA invites paper and symposia submissions for its Focal Meeting. WERA seeks submissions that are global in reach—that include include more than one country or are comparative, cross-cultural, international, or transnational in conceptualization, scope, or design. WERA also welcomes papers or symposia that engage with the AERA Annual Meeting theme of “Cultivating Equitable Education Systems for the 21st Century”—a timely and significant topic of global relevance and impact.
Submissions to the WERA Focal Meeting embrace all educational levels, settings, and units of analysis (e.g., individuals, groups, organizations). Submissions include studies across the life span, from early learning to workforce and adult education, which take place in formal and informal contexts of education and learning. The emphasis of the Focal Meeting is on papers and symposia with a lens that is worldwide in perspective. Otherwise, there is no restriction on the education research topics appropriate for consideration, although priority will be given to submissions that focus on research and findings addressed to significant trends, issues, and challenges worldwide.
Paper submissions need to meet the criteria of transcending single countries, sites, perspectives, or boundaries as set forth above; symposia submissions can include papers from single sites or countries as long as the presentations combined are from different countries and the aims of the symposium are anchored in worldwide or global issues. Duplicate submission to an AERA submission unit and to WERA is not allowed.
Click here to view the Call for Submissions |