NEWS: CCEAM seeking a new editor for the ISEA journal

Seeking Editor for CCEAM International Studies in Educational Administration Journal

International Studies in Educational Administration (ISEA) is the academic journal of the
Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM). With 49
volumes completed, it is one of the oldest journals in the educational leadership field; the longest
running journal, Journal of Educational Administration, preceded ISEA by ten years, and the journal
of the University Council for Educational Administration, Educational Administration Quarterly,
preceded it by eight years. After six years as editor (four with Associate Prof Lawrie Drysdale as coeditor),
Prof David Gurr is stepping aside. We are seeking a new editor, or editorial team, to lead
ISEA into its 6th decade of publication.

The journal has production in place for at least the next two issues, giving time for the new editor to
settle into the role. There are four current associate editors that will continue for the immediate future,
and Professor Gurr will provide assistance as needed. Whilst the editorial board needs to be renewed,
this presents an opportunity to assemble a new support team. The journal is an in-house publication
with dedicated support for the final production of the published editions. The journal operates a hybrid
subscription and open-access model in that the whole issue copyright is retained by the CCEAM and
available to members, but individual papers are provided to authors on an open-access basis with
authors free to distribute their paper as they see fit (publication on personal or university websites
and through share services like Academia and ResearchGate).

The editor position is an honorary appointment. With the associate editors, the role entails seeking
and commissioning papers, desk auditing initial submissions for suitability, organising the doubleblind
peer reviewing process, and, if articles are accepted, working with authors to prepare a final
submission. The editor assembles the issues, provides a brief editorial comment, and then sends the
copy to a dedicated service that then provides final checking, proofing and formatting into a
publishable issue. There are typically three issues published each year.
For information about the journal can be obtained by contacting Prof David Gurr at

Expressions of interest for the role should be directed to the President of CCEAM, Prof Paul Miller


Announcement in PDF pdf