NEWS: CCUNESCO – Land as teacher: understanding Indigenous land-based education


How would you describe the concept of Indigenous land-based education? From science to reconciliation, this Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO) Idealab article dives into the spectrum of this ancient, yet still relevant way of teaching and learning. In this IdeaLab article, Alex Wilson, Amy Parent, and Chris Googoo, members of CCUNESCO’s Working Group on Land-Based Education, and Thomas Johnson, member of CCUNESCO’s Executive Committee, discuss how Indigenous land-based education brings together layered concepts like the importance of language and the geography of stories, cosmologies and world views, land protections and rights, relationality and accountability, a connection to reconciliation — and the future of the planet.


Read the full article here:


Isabelle LeVert-Chiasson (she/her|elle)
Program Officer, Education | National ASPnet Coordinator
Chargée de programme, Éducation | Coordonnatrice nationale du réSEAU
Canadian Commission for UNESCO