NEWS: Eurydice Today – 8 September 2021

Publication :: Adult education and training in Europe: Building inclusive pathways to skills and qualifications

The continuous development of skills and competences is crucial for everyone. However, not all adults participate in lifelong learning. The least qualified adults, in particular, are less likely to take part in education and training than those with higher qualification levels. This is a matter of concern, especially in times like today marked by rapid changes, economic and social pressures, increased digitalisation and the impact of the pandemic. What do European education systems do to facilitate the participation of adults with low levels of basic skills or qualifications in education and training? This report aims to reply to this question by investigating current national approaches to promoting lifelong learning, with a particular focus on policies and measures supporting adults with low levels of skills and qualifications to access learning opportunities. The report draws on several data sources: the information collected from Eurydice National Units across 37 European countries, complemented with qualitative and quantitative data provided by other organisations, including Cedefop, Eurostat and the OECD.
