WERA Invited Symposia in 40th National Meeting of ANPEd
Dear WERA Colleagues and friends,
WERA gladly shares with you, information of an online Symposium on “The impacts of the pandemic on teaching work: international perspectives”, WERA Invited Symposia in 40th National Meeting of the National Association of Research and Graduate Studies on Education (ANPEd). The invited symposium is scheduled to take place on Friday, 15 October 2021, 19:00 – 21:00 (Brazilian time).
Please visit the link below for more information.
The 40th National Meeting of ANPEd will have the theme “Education as a practice of Freedom: letters from the Amazon to the world!”
At a time that poses great challenges for life and science, strengthening our National Meeting in a remote format is to keep firmly the arc of collective commitments built over four decades of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education. Therefore, due to the continuity of the Pandemic, the event will take place in a completely virtual way, without straying from the reasons and commitments assumed in defining the headquarters of this great event, the Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) , in partnership with FORPREd – North.
With this theme, the program design, also done collectively, considered the debates on attacks on education in multiple dimensions in recent years and in the current government, but also ANPEd’s resistance and commitment to thinking about and recognizing intense and plural struggles. Struggles built around the selfless defense of the rights of different people to exist, learn and train in educational spaces, in dialogue with social movements, with university communities and research fields – all affected by the pandemic and by an inconsequential management of policies national public authorities.