Dear WERA Colleagues and Friends,
On behalf of the WERA Task Force: Global Challenges and Education we share with you an opportunity to attend a transdisciplinary research capacity development webinar.
A UNICEF-Generation United project co-hosted by Future Africa, the Centre for the Study of Resilience (CSR) at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, and the international One Health for One Planet Education & Transdisciplinarity Initiative (1 HOPE-TDI) invites you to the second part of the co-constructed capacity webinar where panel discussions from world-renowned experts in the field regarding transdisciplinary networks and -training will take place.
- Raise awareness of the increasing importance of transdisciplinary research (TDR) in a Covid-19 world
- Strengthen TDR research opportunity and capacity for women in science (natural and social) from global experts in the field
- Support preparation of concept notes for potential TDR research initiatives
THEME A: Transdisciplinary Research Networks
THEME B: Transdisciplinary Research Development Opportunities
Kindly find the link below to register:
Join the ZOOM discussion on 27 October 2021 at 15:00 – 18:00 (GMT +2 South African Time) by following the link:
Topic: Transdisciplinary Solutions to Glocal and Community Challenges
Time:Oct 27, 2021 02:45 PM Harare, Pretoria
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID:971 4893 2367