Dear WERA Colleagues and Friends,
IEA released a new publication today in the IEA Compass: Briefs in Education series on Valuing Curriculum-Based International Large-Scale Assessments: Ensuring Alignment with National Curricula in IEA Studies, written by IEA Executive Director Dr Dirk Hastedt and IEA Research Officer Jan-Philipp Wagner. This issue showcases how a curriculum-based approach to International Large-scale Assessments (ILSA) assists researchers and policymakers in analyzing and interpreting the performance of various education systems.
Read this Compass Brief to gain insights into the challenges and advantages of aligning ILSA item’s content with national curricula, the importance of close collaboration among stakeholders to work toward such alignment, and how aligning items with national curricula can work in practice through the TIMSS 2019 study.
You can access the full brief here. Please let me know if it is of interest to you, and do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
WERA Secretariat