Eurydice Voice – 13 April 2022
1st interview: How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the value of university degrees?
Fees have long been a controversial issue in higher education policy. There are indeed major differences in approach, ranging from countries with no fees to those charging considerable sums to all students. But what has happened during the pandemic? Did students continue to pay? And did the shift to online learning affect the value of the degrees that they were awarded? In the first of two linked articles, we explore this question with Emilia Kitsiou, a postgraduate student at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). More
2nd interview: How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the value of university degrees?
In this second interview Eurydice addresses the same topic as above but with another interviewee: Meral Nur from the European Students Union, an organisation representing students in 40 European countries. More
Embedding European perspectives in teacher development
The Eurydice network presented its report ‘Teachers in Europe’ during the French ministerial conference “Embedding European perspectives in teacher development” on 3 March. During the conference, the essential role of teachers in the successful creation of the European Education Area was discussed. The conference focused specifically on European mobility for teachers and future teachers, and the emergence of a community of European teachers. More
L’éducation des jeunes enfants en Europe : Zoom sur la Finlande
Dans le cadre de l’année européenne de la jeunesse, la Maison de l’Europe à Nantes – Europe Direct a organisé le webinaire: « L’éducation des jeunes enfants en Europe: Zoom sur la Finlande » Notre analyste Isabelle De Coster était là aussi, prête à partager avec les résultats de nos études. Si vous l’avez perdu ou si vous voulez le revoir, suivez le lien en bas. Webinaire en français! More
Youth Wiki Live Talk: Has the covid-19 crisis turned into a mental health crisis for young people?
If you have missed our Youth Wiki live talk about the pandemic’s influence on youth’s mental and emotional well-being, you can re-watch it again! Our special guests: Giulia Paolini, Analyst and Youth Wiki coordinator, Mareike Ketelaar, German National Correspondent, Maria Rodriguez, member of the European Youth Forum, Claire Russon, Psychologist (Attachée à la direction, Centre psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaires) and Alione Touré, Psychologist at the CePAS (Centre psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaires) and president of CCDH (Human Rights Commission in Luxembourg). More
Towards equity and inclusion in higher education in Europe
This Eurydice report focuses on the topic of equity and inclusion in higher education in Europe. It analyses the current level of alignment of European higher education systems with the ten Principles & Guidelines agreed by all EHEA countries as a blueprint to take forward the commitment of improving the social dimension. More
Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe 2021: Overview of major reforms since 2015
This report contains more than 20 key structural indicators on education policies in four areas: early childhood education and care, achievement in basic skills, early leaving from education and training, and higher education. You will also find an overview of major reforms since 2015 in these areas. More
Teachers’ and School Heads’ Salaries and Allowances in Europe 2019/20
Teachers’ remuneration and career prospects are an intrinsic part of policies aiming to attract the best-qualified graduates to the profession and retain the best teachers. Our publication shows the composition and differences in teachers’ and school heads’ earnings among the Erasmus+ countries. It includes a comparative analysis and national data sheets with detailed information on the salaries, allowances and other additional payments that teachers and school heads receive. More
The Structure of the European Education Systems – 2021/22
What are the different models of organisation in primary and secondary education and how long does each education level last? How diverse are the programmes offered at tertiary level? Find the answers to these questions in the Eurydice’s latest publication “The Structure of the European Education Systems”. More