Call for chapter proposals for School-University Partnerships: How and Why (edited by Dr Corinne A. Green and Dr Michelle J. Eady)
School-university partnerships that capitalise on the expertise of stakeholders across institutions have been recommended by researchers and policymakers around the world. In current research, these partnerships are viewed positively as opportunities for collaboration and mutual benefit. However, the foundational aspects of school-university partnerships have not been explicitly explored.
The proposed book School-University Partnerships: How and Why will go beyond illustrating how school-university partnerships can be/are being implemented in various places around the world to explore the underlying motivations, support structures, and barriers for involvement. It will present varied perspectives, including teachers and school leaders, university academics, pre-service teachers, school students, etc. Importantly, the book will explore how school-university partnerships can enhance the whole teaching profession by building connections across different educational systems.
If you are interested in contributing to this book, please have a look at the full call for proposals and submit your chapter proposal by 12th June 2022. If you have any questions, you can email Dr Corinne A. Green (