NEWS: Announcement of Appointment of CJE English-language editors

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am very pleased to announce the appointment of the new Anglophone Editors for the Canadian Journal of Education – Dr. Jeannie Kerr of the University of Winnipeg and Dr. Ee-Seul Yoon of the University of Manitoba. Their appointment will commence on July 1, 2022.

Dr. Kerr’s research examines the reproduction of societal inequalities through K-12 and higher education, and considers the ways that both teacher education and higher education can engage complexity, uncertainty, and diversity so as to address local and global inequalities. Dr. Yoon’s scholarship is interdisciplinary, drawing from sociology, human geography, and critical policy studies. Her research aims to better understand how the marketization and privatization of education impact equity, diversity, and inclusion in Canadian education systems.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Nancy Maynes, Dr. Blaine Hatt, and Dr. Thomas Ryan who have been Anglophone Editors of the Journal since 2018. Over the past 2 years, the pandemic had affected every aspect of our lives. For the Journal, it significantly impacted the peer review timeline. In spite of this, Drs. Maynes, Hatt, and Ryan stewarded the process so there were no disruptions to the publication schedule. The CJE’s excellent status among academic journals in Canada is due in no small part to the exacting standards of the co-Editors. They contributed countless hours to the Journal over the past four years, and for this, we are extremely grateful.

Tim G. Howard
Director of Administration