NEWS: Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching: Call for peer reviewers

Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching: Call for peer reviewers

On May 1-3, 2022 the University of Calgary hosted the Postsecondary Conference on Learning and Teaching on Moving Forward in a Good Way to Nurture the Spirit of Learning. Over 450 participants joined to explore Indigenous Ways of Being, Knowing, Doing and Connecting in postsecondary education as we continue our path to truth and reconciliation. The conference provided an important opportunity to connect, and to share and exchange knowledges. Our Elders have encouraged us to continue to build upon and raise awareness of the key teachings, learnings, and Spirit shared throughout this conference.

Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching (PPLT) is a peer reviewed open access journal that invites presenters at the University of Calgary’s Postsecondary Learning and Teaching conference to develop and expand upon their conference posters or presentations for publication. PPLT provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

We invite you to be a peer-reviewer for PPLT. Staff, faculty, students, and postdoctoral scholars with a strong commitment to advancing Indigenous perspectives and pedagogies in higher education are invited to review and provide feedback on one or two papers (depending on the number of submissions). To register as a reviewer

Cheryl Jeffs, PPLT Co-editor, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary. Michelle Scott, PPLT Co-editor, Director of Indigenous Initiatives, St. Mary’s University, Calgary.