NEWS: Eurydice Today – 30 June 2022

Eurydice Today – 30 June 2022

Publication :: Increasing achievement and motivation in mathematics and science learning in schools

Which types of education systems have higher shares of students with at least a basic knowledge of mathematics or science? And what policies influence student achievement? Education in mathematics and science plays a crucial role in equipping children and young people with the necessary skills and knowledge to be responsible and active citizens in our fast-changing and technology-driven societies. However, evidence from international student surveys show that, in Europe, a considerable share of 15-year-olds do not reach basic levels of skills in mathematics and science. This report can support education policy-makers and stakeholders across Europe in strengthening student motivation, raising achievement, and helping those falling behind. The report brings together qualitative information from the Eurydice Network and achievement data from two international assessment surveys (the 2019 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) administered by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), and the 2018 PISA survey carried out by the OECD).
