Eurydice Today – 12 July 2022
Supporting refugee learners from Ukraine in schools in Europe
This short report focuses on some of the policies and measures developed by top-level education authorities across Europe that aim to assist schools in integrating and helping children and young people arriving from Ukraine. These include recent policies and measures targeting specifically Ukrainian learners, and policies and measures targeting all newly arrived learners that were in place prior to the current conflict. The report builds on the findings of the 2019 report ‘Integrating students from migrant backgrounds into schools in Europe: National policies and measures’.
Supporting refugee learners from Ukraine in higher education in Europe
This short report focuses on key policies and measures, developed by top-level education authorities across Europe, aiming to assist higher education institutions (HEIs) in integrating refugee learners from Ukraine. These include recent policies and measures targeting specifically Ukrainian refugee learners as well as non-Ukrainian learners who were studying in a Ukrainian HEI at the time of the Russian invasion. The report builds partly on the findings of previous Eurydice reports on higher education, such as the ‘Bologna Process Implementation Report (2020)’ and ‘Integrating asylum seekers and refugees into Higher Education in Europe: National policies and measures (2019)’.