NEWS: Latest issue of CJE available (45:2 [2022])

Please note that the most recent issue of the Canadian Journal of Education is available from the Web site at The table of contents can be found below.
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Happy reading!

Sharon Hu, Managing Editor
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Canadian Journal of Education Vol 45, No 2 (2022) Table of Contents

Editorial | Éditorial
Blaine E. Hatt

Sensibiliser à la diversité : la formation aux enjeux interculturels dans les programmes universitaires en relation d’aide au Québec
Andrée-Anne Beaudoin-Julien, Valérie Demers, Yvan Leanza

Teacher Mental Health and Leaves of Absences: A Pilot Study Examining Gender and Care
Kristen Ferguson, Yvonne James, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault

Le regard des collégiens sur le parcours scolaire et le rapport aux études de leurs parents
Frederic Deschenaux, Francis Charlebois, Sylvain Bourdon

Disruptive Knowledge in Education for Reconciliation: The Effects of Indigenous Course Requirements on Non-Indigenous Students’ Attitudes
Jeremy Siemens, Katelin H. S. Neufeld

Relations entre la qualité des interactions enseignante-enfants et le développement du raisonnement spatial des enfants de maternelle quatre ans à temps plein en milieu défavorisé
Charlaine St-Jean, Johanne April, Nathalie Bigras, Christophe Maïano, Marilyn Dupuis Brouillette

“Teacher Burnout Is One of My Greatest Fears”: Interrupting a Narrative on Fire
Emily Williams, Elizabeth Tingle, Janelle Morhun, Sally Vos, Kerri Murray, Dianne Gereluk, Shelly Russell-Mayhew

Logiques au cœur des choix de l’école secondaire par des parents immigrants résidant à Montréal
Véronique Grenier

MakerMinds: An Exploratory Study of Making and Mindfulness Pedagogies
Joanne Edmundson, Jennifer Jenson

Comment appréhender une littératie en évaluation pour décrire et comprendre le développement des compétences des enseignants ?
Raphaël Pasquini, Fernando Morales Villabona

THIS IS US: Latent Profile Analysis of Canadian Teachers’ Burnout during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jeff Babb, Laura Sokal, Lesley Eblie Trudel

Book Reviews | Recensions d’ouvrages
Book Review: International education as public policy in Canada
Ardith McGeown Plant

Book Review: Better Reading Now: 50 ready-to-use teaching strategies to engage students, deepen comprehension, and nurture a love of reading
Colleen Whidden

Book Review: Race Work and Leadership: New Perspectives on the Black Experience
Donna Donalds

Book Review: Hall-Dennis and the Road to Utopia: Education and Modernity in Ontario
Elizabeth Blake

Book Review: Abroad for Pre-service and In-service Teachers: Transformative Learning on a Global Scale
Roswita Dressler

Book Review: International Perspectives on Writing Curricula and Development: A Cross-Case Comparison
Shelley Stagg Peterson

Book Review: The Law is (not) for Kids: A Legal Rights Guide for Canadian Children and Teens
Shezadi Khushal

Book Review: Media Literacy for Citizenship: A Canadian Perspective
Vivian Lee