NEWS: WERA – Educators in Brazil, Germany, Norway, and Japan hold an international seminar on inclusive education

Educators in Brazil, Germany, Norway, and Japan hold an international seminar on inclusive education

WERA and its annual conferences provide an opportunity to network with colleagues working in different countries, allowing Prof. Dr. Marcia Pletsch (University Federal Rural Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Prof. Dr. Tanja Sturm (MLU Halle, Germany), Prof. Dr. Naomi Kagawa (Shimane University, Japan), and Prof. Dr. Gregor Maxwell (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø) to connect and collaborate on an international class on inclusive education with students in Brazil, Germany, Norway, and Japan. The seminar gave the students of the cooperating universities a direct and immediate exchange on the subject area of school-instructional inclusion, providing an opportunity to open subject-related exchange and experiences to students within the framework of their studies that go beyond local and national perspectives.

WERA is delighted to support such collaborations that advance education science research and practice globally. On behalf of Prof. Dr. Tanja Sturm of the German Education Research Association (GERA), we invite you to read more about the collaboration by clicking on the button below.