***Call for Proposals***
Philosophy of Education. Debates and Constellations
Edited by Julian Culp, Nicole Balzer, Johannes Drerup, Hanno Su,
und Anders Schinkel
This peer-reviewed series aims at providing readers with new perspectives on international debates in the Philosophy of Education. It is geared towards fostering debates across methodological and philosophical divisions and is open to a plurality of philosophical themes related to education.
These may include, for instance, contemporary debates on the aims of education, on moral, political, and environmental education, as well as themes related to educational ethics and the history of philosophy of education. Questions may be of a foundational theoretical nature, as well as more applied, concerning issues that arise in addressing problems of educational practice and their role in society.
For more information, please check out our dedicated brochure.
Please submit a book proposal of ca. 3000-5000 words, including the following:
• Clear description of the topic and main question of the book
• Relevance of the topic and question
• Fit with the book series
• Reflection on what the book adds to the existing literature
• Outline of the book: preliminary table of contents, plus brief summary per chapter
• The series welcomes contributions either in English or in German.
Proposals may be sent to the Series Editor Professor Johannes Drerup