Youth News & Focus On Article
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of young people – Policy responses in European countries
What do we know about the impact of the pandemic on the mental and emotional wellbeing of young people? What has been the policy-makers’ response across Europe?
The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic and social impacts disrupted life of all groups in society. Two years into the pandemic, medium- and long-term implications are becoming increasingly clear and the impact on mental health of young people has been significant. The shift from face-to-face to online learning, the restrictions to leisure and sport activities and the partial or complete interruption of social participation have heavily disrupted interpersonal relations.
This report takes stock of the deterioration of youth mental health caused by isolation and suspension of in-person activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. It illustrates the policy measures that have been put in place by Member States to mitigate the impact of lockdowns in 2020 and 2021, building on qualitative data provided by the National Correspondents of the Youth Wiki Network. More
Youth Wiki Live Talk: Has the covid-19 crisis turned into a mental health crisis for young people?
If you have missed our Youth Wiki live talk about the pandemic’s influence on youth’s mental and emotional well-being, you can re-watch it again! Our special guests: Giulia Paolini, Analyst and Youth Wiki coordinator, Mareike Ketelaar, German National Correspondent, Maria Rodriguez, member of the European Youth Forum, Claire Russon, Psychologist (Attachée à la direction, Centre psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaires) and Alione Touré, Psychologist at the CePAS (Centre psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaires) and president of CCDH (Human Rights Commission in Luxembourg). More
Youth Wiki section on Mental Health
One of the main aims of the EU Youth Strategy for health and well-being is to support young people’s mental and sexual health, sport, physical activity and healthy life styles, as well as to prevent and treat of injury, eating disorders, addictions and substance abuse.
Check out our dedicated Youth Wiki section to learn about national strategies and other policy measures addressing the mental health of young people, including suicide prevention measures.
Coming of age in times of crisis: what consequences for today’s youth?
The Russian invasion to Ukraine brought war back into the European consciousness and reminded us that peace should not be taken for granted. Yet the Ukrainian war can also be seen as a crisis occurring within other crises. The invasion of Ukraine took place just as two years of the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequences of the global climate crisis are becoming increasingly evident. As today’s events occur, young generations are being, and will continue to be, shaped by them, and in turn will transform the future political landscape.
Adult Education & Learning
EPALE Community Conference 2022
On 18, 19 and 20 October 2022, EPALE, the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe, is hosting its annual online Community Conference. “Young Adults” will be one of the four themes that will characterise the debate.
Adult education and training in Europe: Building inclusive pathways to skills and qualifications.
This Eurydice report provides insights into the field of adult education and training in Europe. It investigates current approaches to promoting lifelong learning, with a particular focus on policies and measures supporting adults with low levels of skills and qualifications to access learning opportunities.