Please note that the most recent issue of the Canadian Journal of Education is available from the Web site at The table of contents can be found below.
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Timely research and knowledge dissemination is increasingly crucial in a world where significant, unanticipated, and urgent matters severely impact educational systems and practice on a regular basis. In response to our educational community’s needs, CJE has made the important decision to change our publishing practice.
As of October 24, all accepted articles that have been copy edited will be published on an ongoing basis in the “Online First” section of our website. As soon as an article is published, a DOI number will be assigned.
Starting with the Winter 2022 issue, each issue will be curated based on a particular theme. Each curated issue draws from articles already published in the “Online First” section, and framed through an editorial that digs into the implications and significance to educational research, methodology, theory, and practice.
We eagerly encourage your submissions to CJE! The combination of our new “Online First” approach together with our standard no-fee open access continues to provide an up-to-date and widely accessible venue to disseminate your educational work.
Happy reading!
Sharon Hu, Managing Editor
Follow us on Twitter @cje_rce
Canadian Journal of Education Vol 45, No 3 (2022) Table of Contents
Editorial | Éditorial
Jeannie Kerr, Ee-Seul Yoon, Carole Fleuret
Toby Goes to Catholic School: Gender Expression Human Rights, and Ontario Catholic School Board Policy
Lee Airton, Jacob DesRochers, Kyle Kirkup, Lindsay Herriot
Academic Procrastination in Undergraduate Students: Understanding the Role of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration and Academic Motivation
Rylee Oram, Maria Rogers
“If You Don’t Know Who They Are, You Don’t Know How to Support Them”: A Qualitative Study Exploring How Educators Perceive and Support Canadian Military-Connected Students
Shannon Hill, Elizabeth A. Lee, Heidi Cramm
Assessing Learning Skills and Work Habits: What Do Report Card Data Tell Us?
Stefan Denis Merchant, Don Klinger, John Kirby
Assessing Doctoral Candidacy: The Development of an Assessment Tool for Comprehensive Portfolios
John Freer
Enseigner en temps de pandémie au Québec : étude de cas d’un enseignant du secondaire
Sacha Rose Stoloff, Nancy Goyette, Audrey-Anne De Guise, Stéphanie Girard
Identité d’apprenant et préférences d’apprentissage : un modèle pour penser l’individualité des apprenants et de leurs pratiques d’apprentissage
Charlotte Sannier-Bérusseau
Représentations de genre dans un manuel scolaire de mathématiques de première année du primaire au Québec
Anne Lafay
La motivation scolaire d’élèves québécois du deuxième cycle du secondaire en temps de pandémie
Erick Falardeau, Frédéric Guay, Richard Bradet, Johannie Boulet
Développement du sentiment d’efficacité personnelle perçu par des enseignantes œuvrant auprès d’élèves ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme au secondaire et appropriation de nouvelles pratiques évaluatives
Marie-Aimée Lamarche, Micheline-Joanne Durand
Book Reviews | Recensions d’ouvrages
Book Review: Educational Fabulations: Teaching and Learning for a World Yet to Come
Ryan Collis
Book Review: University Women: A History of Women and Higher Education in Canada
Summer Cowley
Book Review: The Compassionate Educator: Understanding social issues and the ethics of care in Canadian schools
Samantha Cutrara
Book Review: Teaching Global Citizenship: A Canadian Perspective
Shirley Giroux, Glen Thielmann
Book Review: Black Racialization and Resistance at an Elite University
Maria Karmiris
Book Review: De/constructing Literacies: Considerations for Engagement
Natasha Mansur
Book Review: Colour Matters: Essays on the Experiences, Education and Pursuits of Black Youth
Diane Montgomery
Book Review: Making Math Stick: Classroom Strategies that Support the Long-Term Understanding of Math Concepts
Danielle Neer
Book Review: K-12 education as a hermeneutic adventurous endeavor
Trevor Norris
Book Review: Making a Grade: Victorian Examinations and the Rise of Standardized Testing
Timothy Sibbald
Book Review: Sometimes reading is hard: Using decoding, vocabulary, and comprehension strategies to inspire fluent, passionate, and lifelong readers
Colleen Whidden
Recension d’ouvrage : La recherche en didactique des mathématiques et les élèves en difficulté : quels enjeux et quelles perspectives?
Marie-Pier Forest