NEWS: Jean-Paul Dionne Symposium 2023 – Call for Proposals

My name is Janelle Fournier and I am part of the Jean-Paul Dionne Symposium 2023 Organizing Committee, which is an annual bilingual research conference organized by graduate students from the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa. Founded in 1985 by Professor Jean-Paul Dionne, the Symposium has grown to encompass two full days of activities, attracting graduate students from across Canada and the United States to participate. This year’s conference will take place online and in-person on March 2nd and 3rd, 2023.

I am contacting you because we are announcing our call for proposals and I was wondering if it would be possible for you to share our information with the members of CSSE. More information is available on our website at

This symposium provides opportunities for graduate students to share their work in progress or completed research, to engage with their colleagues, and to participate in the development of new ways of understanding, thinking, and doing. Through a poster session, oral presentations, several interactive workshop opportunities, and ignite sessions, students are brought together to learn from each other and to develop and grow as academics.

This year, our theme, Spheres of Support: A Network of Care in Education, centers support as a critical element of education. Support does not exist in vacuum; only by embedding support in every facet of education can it truly benefit both learners and educators alike. It’s not only about considering one’s physical health, but also mental health and spiritual/emotional wellbeing.

With the rising popularity of frameworks such as Systems Theories, education is being transformed to recognize the value of not just one another, but entire social systems and networks. Our network of care requires many individuals, including parents, fellow students, health care providers, counselors, and educators both formal and informal. We are all connected, and it’s time we explore those connections and expose their strengths and weaknesses.