NEWS: Call for Chapter Proposals: Mentoring for Wellbeing (Information Age Publishing)

Dear colleagues,

We hope this email finds all of you well.

Please, see attached a call for chapter proposals for the upcoming edited book on “Mentoring for Wellbeing” (to be published with IAP, editors Kutsyuruba, B. & Kochan, F.). This volume of the Perspectives on Mentoring Series will explore the role of mentoring in promoting the wellbeing of both mentees and mentors in various contexts.

We are seeking authors from diverse organizational settings (i.e., business, education, health, industry) as well as from countries around the world. Contributions may include empirical or practitioner pieces. Authors may submit their original research, reports of exemplary mentoring programs, practitioner learning, conceptual pieces, or reviews of literature on the role of mentoring processes as supportive structures for the wellbeing of mentors and mentees in diverse professional settings. The ultimate goal of this volume is to develop a greater understanding of the role of mentoring for the wellbeing or the wellbeing capacity development in mentees and mentors.

We welcome your abstract submissions before the deadline of December 15, 2022. Please, send the abstracts to