Please note that the most recent issue of the Canadian Journal of Education is available from the Web site at The table of contents can be found below.
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Timely research and knowledge dissemination is increasingly crucial in a world where significant, unanticipated, and urgent matters severely impact educational systems and practice on a regular basis. In response to our educational community’s needs, CJE has made the important decision to change our publishing practice.
As of October 24, all accepted articles that have been copy edited will be published on an ongoing basis in the “Online First” section of our website. As soon as an article is published, a DOI number will be assigned.
Starting with the Winter 2022 issue, each issue will be curated based on a particular theme. Each curated issue draws from articles already published in the “Online First” section, and framed through an editorial that digs into the implications and significance to educational research, methodology, theory, and practice.
We eagerly encourage your submissions to CJE! The combination of our new “Online First” approach together with our standard no-fee open access continues to provide an up-to-date and widely accessible venue to disseminate your educational work.
Happy reading!
Sharon Hu, Managing Editor
Follow us on Twitter @cje_rce
Canadian Journal of Education Vol 45, No 4 (2022) Table of Contents
Editorial | Éditorial
Carole Fleuret, Ee-Seul Yoon, Jeannie Kerr
Comment les enseignantes et enseignants issus de l’immigration comparent-ils la conception de l’enseignement en faculté d’éducation manitobaine et en stage en milieu francophone minoritaire lors de leur formation initiale par rapport à celle qu’ils ont pu connaitre dans leur pays d’origine ?
Claudine Lupien
La réussite éducative en formation professionnelle : validation d’un premier questionnaire
Florence Tsakpinoglou, Marie-Hélène Véronneau
Le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle des enseignants en gestion de classe et leur satisfaction au travail : le rôle explicatif des stratégies de gestion des comportements auprès des élèves qui présentent des problèmes de comportement extériorisés
Alexis Boudreault, Julie Lessard, Frédéric Guay
La transition identitaire de doctorant à professeur d’université : entre continuités et ruptures
Claire Duchesne, Catherine Déri, Lucie Le Callonnec, Nathalie Gagnon
Étude longitudinale des relations entre la perception de compétence, la motivation et le rendement scolaires
Rose Lebeau, Thérèse Bouffard
A Comparison of High School Graduation Predictors Between Two Ontario Student Cohorts
Karen Robson, Nicole Solanges Malette, Paul Anisef, Reana Maier, Robert Brown
Reproducing or Reducing Inequality? The Case of Summer Learning Programs
Scott Davies, Janice Aurini, Cathlene Hillier
The Socio-Pedagogical Environment of Primary School Students in the Context of a Socially Distanced Classroom
Geneviève Carpentier, Claudine Sauvageau, Normand Roy
Academic Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Triarchic Analysis of Education Policy Developments across Canada
Louis Volante, Camila Lara, Don A. Klinger , Melissa Siegel
Using Robotics to Support the Acquisition of STEM and 21st-Century Competencies: Promising (and Practical) Directions
Allison Stokes, Janice Aurini, Jessica Rizk, Robert Gorbet, John McLevey
Book Reviews | Recensions d’ouvrages
Book Review: Critical reflections on teacher education: Why future teachers need Educational Philosophy
Adam Scarfe
Book Review: Life-Practice Educology: A Contemporary Chinese Theory of Education
Yuhan Deng, Shijing Xu
Book Review: Leadership for flourishing in educational contexts
Shirley Giroux, Jessica Willows
Book Review: The Myths of Measurement and Meritocracy: Why Accountability Metrics in Higher Education Are Unfair and Increase Inequity
Jonathan G. Bayley
Book Review: White Benevolence: Racial and Colonial Violence in the Helping Professions
Kimberly Edmondson
Book Review: The pandemic within: Policy making for a better world
Renata Matsumoto