Call for Volunteer Reviewers
Deadline to Sign Up: 28 April 2023
2024 AERA Annual Meeting
April 2024
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) is seeking volunteers to serve as peer reviewers for submissions for the 2024 AERA Annual Meeting. A quality peer review system is the bedrock for a quality annual meeting, and thus we encourage persons with depth of research expertise to volunteer to review and respond to this call.
When? Volunteer to serve as a peer reviewer by registering in the 2024 Annual Meeting Online Program system. The system will be open March 2 – April 28, 2023 to register as a volunteer reviewer.
How? Individuals interested in being considered as peer reviewers are encouraged to volunteer for specific units (divisions, SIGs, or committees) through the AERA online program portal. Go to and log in with your username and password. After you login, click ‘My AERA’ at the top of the page, scroll down to the 2024 Annual Meeting and click ‘2024 AERA Annual Meeting – Volunteer to be a Reviewer‘. Volunteers who are selected by program chairs to serve on review panels will receive an invitation to review in May 31, 2023.
Where? Individuals may volunteer to serve as a peer reviewer for more than one unit. If selected to serve on a review panel, each reviewer will typically be asked to review a minimum of (10) submissions and up to (20) for units that receive a large number of submissions. For units that receive a small number of submissions, reviewers may be asked to review fewer submissions. Reviews will take place during a 3-week period from August 10 – 31. Interested researchers should volunteer only if available during the reviewing time span and able to undertake a set of reviews. Please keep this in mind as you consider volunteering your service and contribution.
Who? Any AERA member or non-member may volunteer for consideration as a peer reviewer. Peer reviewers need to have appropriate substantive background and expertise as noted below in the Panel Reviewer Selection Criteria section. During the volunteer reviewer registration process, please answer the questions relevant to your background and experience.