Dear Colleagues,
You are receiving this email because you are a faculty member or student at a Canadian college or university. You are being contacted to participate in a survey on workplace incivility in academia in Canada. This project is run by Benjamin Dunlop (Department of Educational Psychology & Special Education, University of Saskatchewan), Dr. Laureen McIntyre (Department of Educational Psychology & Special Education, University of Saskatchewan), and Dr. Laurie-Ann Hellsten (Faculty of Education, The University of Winnipeg).
The purpose of this study, “Workplace Incivility in Academia” is to gather information about faculty experiences of workplace incivility. This research is a requirement for the completion of Ben’s Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Measurement and Evaluation in Educational Psychology at the University of Saskatchewan. This survey, which will take approximately 15 minutes to complete, will investigate the working and social conditions within the academic setting to establish the link between the working and social conditions of academics and the behavioural phenomenon of workplace incivility. This research has the potential to lead to an enhanced understanding of workplace incivility and an improved understanding of how workplace incivility begins, develops, and permeates the academic working environment.
Your participation would involve taking a 15-minute survey that you can complete at your convenience. You may drop out at any time without facing any retribution or penalty. The survey is available until May 1, 2023. All responses will be anonymized and kept strictly confidential.
Follow this link to the Survey:
Please feel very welcome to send this survey to any students or faculty members you know.
This survey received ethics clearance from the Research Ethics Board of the University of Saskatchewan. If you have concerns regarding participation in this study, please contact the University of Saskatchewan’s REB office at
If you have questions about the survey, please contact our research team at
Thank you for your time.
Benjamin Dunlop, BA
Laureen McIntyre, PhD
Laurie-Ann Hellsten, PhD