NEWS: Latest issue of CJE available (46:1 [2023])

Please note that the most recent issue of the Canadian Journal of Education is available from the Web site at The table of contents can be found below.

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Sharon Hu, Managing Editor
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Canadian Journal of Education Vol 46, No 1 (2023) Table of Contents

Revue canadienne de l’éducation Vol 46, No 1 (2023) Table des matières

Editorial | Éditorial
Editorial Transformational Opportunities through New(er) Stories: Research Addressing Educational Inequalities
Jeannie Kerr

Carole Fleuret

Achieving Equity in Graduation Rates and Other Indicators of Success for Indigenous Learners in Canada
Dustin William Louie, Leona Prince

Indigenous Perspectives at the Cultural Interface: Exploring Student Achievement through School/Community-Based Interventions
Frank Deer, Rebeca Heringer

Hospitality, Self-Determination, and Black Refugee Students in Manitoba
Rebeca Heringer

Historical Empathy: A Cognitive-Affective Theory for History Education in Canada
Sara Karn

Touchons du bois… l’école en forêt
Catherine Mac Dermott

Pédagogie immersive expérientielle : aborder les loisirs inclusifs et thérapeutiques en interagissant avec des personnes résidant dans un foyer de soins
Selma Zaiane-Ghalia, Aïcha Benimmas

Enseigner l’histoire à distance en contexte d’urgence pandémique : étude des pratiques déclarées des enseignants du secondaire au Québec
Jean-Louis Jadoulle

Analyse de l’agentivité transformatrice dans une activité de robotique pédagogique impliquant la résolution collaborative de problèmes
Raoul Kamga, Sylvie Barma, Margarida Romero

Book Reviews | Recensions d’ouvrages
Book Review: Troubling Truth and Reconciliation in Canadian Education: Critical Perspectives
David D. Varis

Book Review: Wandering the Sociological Imagination: A Review of Canadian Sociologists in the First Person
Nathaniel Coward

Book Review: A Research Agenda for Graduate Education
Vander Tavares

Book Review: Finding a Place for Every Student: Inclusive Practices, Social Belonging, and Differentiated Instruction in Elementary Classrooms
Sasha Nandlal