NEWS: CRDCN 2023 – Call for Abstracts

The Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN) is inviting one-page abstracts for papers and/or posters to be presented in-person at our annual conference CRDCN 2023: Leveraging Data, Research, and Policy Collaborations, at the Sheraton Hotel in Hamilton Ontario, November 21-23, 2023!

In advance of the June 15 deadline, we wanted to provide the opportunity for you to share this call for abstracts with your association members, in case they are interested in submitting a proposal.

All research applying microdata is welcome, with preference given to research conducted at Canadian Research Data Centres. It is expected that at least 60 proposals will be accepted.

The attached poster can be printed out and placed at your office or school or shared digitally. It includes a QR code that leads to our website where all information and a submission form can be found.

Thank you for your consideration!

CRDCN Central Staff