Call for Papers
The Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) 2023 Conference will take place on Sunday 26 November – Thursday 30 November in Melbourne.
We are calling for papers now!
The theme of this year’s conference is Voice, Truth, Place: Critical Junctures for Educational Research and we welcome submissions from Australian and international researchers working across all areas of education.
Educational research is an agent for social change and this year we encourage you to see how our work connects and contributes to broader social, political, ecological and cultural changes across the world whilst highlighting new and emerging scholarly directions within education itself. We look forward to celebrating the diversity of views, topics and approaches that characterise educational research.
Scholars at all career stages are encouraged to submit and we extend a particularly warm welcome to graduate students and early career researchers.
The hard deadline for Abstract & Symposium submissions is Friday the 23rd of June.
Why Present?
• Insightful coversations and collaborations
• Present your paper and get immediate feedback from experts in your field
• Attend keynotes about cutting edge responses to this year’s theme
• Find Special Interest Groups to engage with your research, creating opportunities for cross-collaboration and promotion of your work
Click the “Find out more” button for more about this year’s theme and information about submitting an Abstract or Symposium.