NEWS: Classroom Teachers, Have Your Voice Heard by June 30!

Classroom Teachers, Have Your Voice Heard by June 30!

*Please forward this email to a teacher, school principal and/or other education support personnel.

We’re reaching out to you to request your support with an Education International (EI) initiative to ensure Canada’s voice is at the international level. The International Barometer of Education Staff (I-BEST), an EI-affiliated survey on educator well-being, aims to make health and well-being of education personnel a priority!

I-BEST Survey

EI has partnered with the Education and Solidarity Network, the MGEN Foundation, and the UNESCO Chair Global Health and Education to launch the survey. Started in 2021, the main objective of the I-BEST biennial is obtaining data on the health and well-being of education personnel and its determinants to inform national and international advocacy and recommendations to governments.

The survey is for respondents in four categories: teacher, school principal, other administration and clerical personnel, and other support personnel.

The I-BEST survey closes on June 30, 2023.

CTF/FCE Participation

After reviewing the survey and its methodology, the CTF/FCE has agreed to act as a participating organization by circulating the survey links and information included below.

As of June 12, the response rate from Canadian participants is below the threshold to be included in the international comparison report. To ensure the voices of Canada’s teachers and education workers are included in this important research, we need your help with:
1) Completing the survey and/or
2) Spreading the word within your networks.

We invite you to share the graphics included below within your networks or simply reshare the messages on CTF/FCE social media networks.

If you have any questions about this initiative, please contact Mischa Terzyk, Director of Research, Labour Relations, and Professional Issues, via email to

Many thanks for your consideration and support.

Complete survey