NEWS: New Title from Canadian Scholars | Enacting Anti-Racist and Activist Pedagogies in Teacher Education

Enacting Anti-Racist and Activist Pedagogies in Teacher Education

Canadian Perspectives


By Ardavan Eizadirad, Zuhra Abawi, and Andrew B. Campbell


Enacting Anti-Racist and Activist Pedagogies in Teacher Education is a timely edited collection that examines the complexities, challenges, spaces of resistance, and possibilities when faculty—specifically Black, Indigenous, and racialized faculty—advocate and implement anti racism approaches and pedagogies in Canadian teacher education programs. Taking an explicitly critical anti-racist approach, the text challenges the pedagogical, curricular, structural, and institutional underpinnings in teacher education framed by whiteness. As a collective, the chapters explore how to disrupt white normalcy by dismantling the hierarchies in place and unpacking intersectionalities, positionalities, and knowledge production through transformative anti-racist pedagogies. To read more, click here.