News from Statistics Canada
News release:
New fact sheets on the learning experiences of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit youth
New products and studies:
Distance as a Factor for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit High School Completion (81-595-M2023002)
First Nations youth: Experiences and outcomes in secondary and postsecondary learning (81-599-X2023001)
New data tables:
First official language spoken by mobility status 5 years ago, language used most often at work and highest level of education: Canada, provinces and territories and census metropolitan areas with parts (9810036701)
First official language spoken by mobility status 5 years ago, place of residence 5 years ago, industry, highest level of education and employment income statistics: Canada, provinces and territories (9810036801)
First official language spoken by mobility status 5 years ago, place of residence 5 years ago, occupation, highest level of education and employment income statistics: Canada, provinces and territories (9810036901)
Major field of study (Classification of Instructional Programs 2016, detailed, 4-digit) by highest level of education: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts (9810039401)
Apprenticeship certificate by selected sociocultural characteristics: Canada, provinces and territories, census divisions and census subdivisions (9810039801)
Labour force status by highest level of education: Canada, provinces and territories, census divisions and census subdivisions (9810040001)
Labour force status by major field of study (detailed, 4-digit) and highest level of education: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts (9810040101)
Highest level of education by census year, Indigenous identity and Registered Indian status: Canada, provinces and territories (9810041301)
Major field of study (STEM and BHASE, summary) by Indigenous identity: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts (9810041601)
School attendance by Indigenous identity: Canada, provinces and territories, census divisions and census subdivisions with a population 5,000 or more (9810041901)
High school completion by Indigenous identity and labour force status: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts (9810042101)
Highest level of education by Indigenous identity and labour force status: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts (9810042401)
Employment income statistics by Indigenous identity and highest level of education: Canada, provinces and territories, census divisions and census subdivisions (9810042801)
Employment income statistics by occupation minor group, Indigenous identity, highest level of education, work activity during the reference year, age and gender: Canada, provinces and territories and census metropolitan areas with parts (9810058701)
First official language spoken by labour force status, highest level of education and immigrant status and period of immigration: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations with parts (9810061501)