NEWS: IES – Researcher Guide on Studying Implementation

Today, IES released a guide to help researchers who are studying the effectiveness of education interventions to also examine implementation so that the findings are more useful for informing practice. Improving the quality and relevance of education studies is IES Director Mark Schneider’s central goal for the Standards for Excellence in Education (SEER).

The guide walks through all of the key steps for embedding implementation research in an effectiveness study:

  • Establish research questions and develop a plan for collecting, measuring, and analyzing implementation data.
  • Specify details about the intervention and its implementation.
  • Specify details about context.
  • Specify details about the intervention contrast.
  • Analyze and report details about the intervention and its implementation as part of the effectiveness study.

The guide draws from a range of examples and studies, and includes concrete recommendations, definitions, templates, and references to additional resources.

View the guide by clicking here.

This guide is one of a series that helps researchers implement SEER. Guides on generalizability, interpreting impact estimates, and sharing study data were released last year, and a guide on recruiting study participants is in development and will be announced on

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