NEWS: Keynote Speakers for the WERA Focal Meeting & ERAS Conference 2023

Keynote Speakers

WERA Focal Meeting and ERAS Conference 2023

22-24 November, Singapore

Dear WERA Colleagues,

We are happy to share the roster of keynote speakers for the WERA Focal Meeting and ERAS Conference on 22-24 November 2023 to be held at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE-NTU), Singapore.

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Dead ideas, missing ideas, and enduring idea(l)s:

Perspectives for seeing teacher education with fresh eyes


A. Lin Goodwin (葛文林) is the Thomas More Brennan Chair Professor of Education at the Lynch School of Education and Human Development, Boston College. Prior to joining Boston College, she was Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong (2017-2022) and Vice Dean at Teachers College, Columbia University (TCCU/2011-2017), where she also held the Evenden Foundation Chair in Education. Professor Goodwin served as AERA Vice President—Division K: Teaching and Teacher Education (2013-2016), and is a Senior Research Fellow of the Learning Policy Institute. She received the 2022 Spencer Foundation Mentor Award honoring her work with emerging academics and doctoral students. She is the recipient of several multi-million-dollar U.S. federal grants to support TR@TC, an innovative teaching residency program at TCCU that she designed and launched in 2009.

Dr. Goodwin’s research focuses on teacher/teacher educator beliefs, identities and development; equitable education and powerful teaching for immigrant and minoritized youth; comparative analyses of international teacher education practice and policy; and the experiences of Asian/Asian Americans in U.S. schools. She is widely published and has been recognized for her researchand scholarship by the AERA SIG: Research on theEducation of Asian and Pacific Americans and the Committee on Scholars of Color, and by the National Institute of Education in Singapore as the inaugural Dr. Ruth Wong Professor of Teacher Education. More recently, she is the 2023 recipient of the AERA Division K Legacy Award that celebrates established scholars “who have made significant and exemplary contributions to the field of teaching and teacher education.” Her work has taken her around the world to collaborate with local educators and scholars to support equitable and inclusive outcomes for all students. She began her career as a special education teacher in secondary school.

We deserve the research that we measure and reward:

A humble proposal to make education research more usable and trustworthy


Gustavo E. Fischman is a professor of educational policy and comparative education at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, he is a first-generation university graduate. He obtained his BA in educationat the University of Buenos Aires and MA and Ph.D. degrees in social sciences and comparative education at the University of California, Los Angeles. An internationally recognized scholar in comparative education and critical policy studies, Dr. Fischman focuses his work on two areas: understanding and improving the processes of knowledge-production and exchange between scholars, educators, activists, practitioners, administrators, media workers, policymakers, and the broader public; and the analysis of the changes and continuities in the development, provision, administration, and regulation of educational services and opportunities in South and North America. Dr. Fischman has authored more than 150 academic publications and numerous commentaries and interviews. He has been a visiting scholar in several graduate programs in Europe and Latin America and was selected as a New Century Fulbright Scholar (2010), International Academy of Education Fellow (2013), and American Educational Research Association Fellow (2015) and appointed to the W. T. Fulbright Senior Scholar roster (2017-2020). In addition to his service on numerous editorial boards, he is the editor of Education Review and consulting editor of Education Policy Analysis Archives. Among his best-known books are Imagining Teachers: Rethinking Teacher Education and Gender, Dumb Ideas Won’t Create Smart Kids co-authored with Eric M. Haas, and Made in Latin America: Open Access, Scholarly Journals, and Regional Innovations, co-edited with Juan P. Alperin.

Teaching sustainability: The critical role of education in creating prosperity, peace and partnerships for people and the planet


Irma Eloff is a professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Pretoria, a registered educational psychologist and a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). She is highly rated as a social scientist by the National Research Foundation in South Africa (B2). She is a former dean of Education at the University of Pretoria and was the first woman to hold this position. In 2018 she was awarded a Förderkreis 1669 Wissenschafft Gesellschaft professorship at the Institut für LehrerInnenbildung undSchulforschung (Institute for Teacher training and School research) of the University of Innsbruck. She has authored 100+ scholarly articles and book chapters and has edited six book publications. Irma is an alumnus of the Universities of Pretoria, Stellenbosch, Northwest and the GIBS Business School. She is an adjunct professor at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Her research focuses on wellbeing, quality education and sustainability.