Please share the upcoming two-day Enhancing Equity in Ontario Elementary Education symposium on October 11th and 12th, 2023 with your colleagues, staff and students. We look forward to having you share about and attend alongside other Ontario district school leaders, human rights and equity staff across the 73 Ontario district school boards.
We invite you to help us to get the word out about the symposium through your networks.
The purpose of the convening is bring together 73 Ontario school boards to share promising practices around human rights and equity-based initiatives (considering Black and Indigenous students, newcomer/international students, racialized students, students living in low socioeconomic neighborhoods, students who identify as LGBTQ2S+, disabled students, and other intersectionalities), along with providing space to reflect on and commit to steps towards greater action in support of enhanced equity for elementary school students.
We will be live-streaming the in-person (by invitation) symposium to a virtual event management system and are opening up registration for anyone to attend virtually. We invite you to share this email within your network to help us in getting the word out about the symposium. See ( ) for more information and select from the virtual participation options.
If you have any questions, please contact: