NEWS: Eurydice Today – 10 October 2023

Promoting diversity and inclusion in schools in Europe
How are diversity and inclusion in school education promoted across Europe? This brand-new Eurydice report showcases the existing national/top-level policies and measures that tackle inequalities and discrimination. It focuses especially on learners who are most likely to experience disadvantage and/or discrimination in schools, including girls/boys, students from different migrant, ethnic and religious backgrounds, LGBTIQ+ students, and students with special educational needs or disabilities.

The report highlights existing targeted policy initiatives promoting the learners’ access to quality, inclusive, mainstream education. The findings show that, despite many efforts to ensure more equity and inclusion in schools, there is still work to be done when it comes to certain student groups or areas of intervention.

The publication provides a comparative overview of policies and measures across 39 European education systems. It presents many country examples, which showcase some of the most recent policy developments and provide an overview of current initiatives taken across Europe.
